Sections in LORI

Click on the links below for the section of interest. To see an enlarged image in LORI, click on it to view it in its largest single dimension for this blogger platform. i.e. 1600 px at 72 ppi. In newer posts, the coding has been changed so the largest file size available is shown. Although LORI images are viewable on small screens, the site is not optimized for mobile devices due to the space and resolution required to view these images

LORI images are for not-for-profit use by anyone. Unless copyright notes dictate otherwise, Dr Rob Lofstedt should be contacted for commercial use: rob.lofstedt@gmail.com

The editor is highly indebted to the Atlantic Veterinary College for the use of its facilities and resources in the production of the LORI website. If pages are operating incorrectly or images missing, please contact Dr Allan Gunn at the email address below.

Editor: Dr Rob Lofstedt (rob.lofstedt@gmail.com). Retired Emeritus Diplomate ACT.

Associate editor: Dr Allan Gunn (algunn@csu.edu.au) The Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation (NSW DPI and CSU). School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga.

LECTURE NOTES: These are the original notes (with illustrations) used by Dr R. Lofstedt for teaching before his retirement. They are in .pdf format. Some aspects may be outdated but they are still potentially valuable resources:  

Note: Some pages (micro-pathology for example) may have become unusable because of the Adobe Flash is no longer in use (since 2020). Being retired and out of the university arena with other obligations and health issues, Dr Lofstedt is unable to edit these pages. 








Other spp



Additions to LORI are infrequent during summertime in the Northern Hemisphere. Terminology varies throughout LORI depending on the time at which an entry was created and editorial suggestions at that time. For example: mullerian vs. müllerian duct vs. Mullerian or Sertoli vs sertoli etc. Editorial suggestions and notes on text errors are welcome. 
